Monday, April 21, 2014

Radiation Oncology, Follow-up appointment

It's April, ALREADY!!?

Where has the time gone?

In March, I had a follow-up in March with my Radiation Oncologist.

Dr. Sharon Dutton had moved her office to Shingle Springs, so my follow-up appointment was there. I really enjoyed having a change of scenery.  It was almost symbolic of this change in my journey!

After about a 2-hour wait (Sharon is busy, busy), I was escorted to my room.

In there the Nurse took my vitals and gave me a robe.  She told me to undress from the waist UP. Then she said, "So, How are the 'girls' doing (and looked at my chest)?"  My face turned red.  Ummmm...?  I realized almost instantly that she must have thought I was a Breast Cancer patient!!  lol  I politely told her that I had Cancer in my right leg!  Her face turned red.  (Everyone's faces are turning red today!)I went on to tell her that my leg was doing just fine.

After about 5 minutes, Dr. Dutton walked in and I instantly felt a warm feeling of relief - a familiar face!!  She is the best and I am so happy that she is my Radiation Oncologist.

She wanted to know how I was doing.  How was the radiation burn?

I immediately showed her how good my leg and scar are looking!!  She inspected my leg and agreed - it is looking GREAT!  She told me that the 'freckles' that I see are the hair follicles that are still 'irritated'.  She pointed out that my skin is still tanned from the radiation rays and that it should continue to fade with time.  She told me that over all, its looking great. 

Isn't it looking GREAT!?

Radiation will cause the tissue to stiffen around the joint.  This has been a concern of Dr. Dutton's from the beginning.  She wanted to make sure that I will still be able to go up and down stairs. She wanted to know how my knee is moving?  I explained that it is really stiff.  I explained that I started Physical Therapy and that with time and lots of movement the stiffness will be manageable!

At the end Dr. Dutton told me that I have inspired her in so many ways and that she is so relieved to see that I'm doing well.  Dr. Dutton scheduled my next follow-up for 6 months out (in September).

Overall, this was a GREAT appointment!  Just one step-closer to being cancer free!

Whats next for me...  At the end of this month, I have another MRI of my right leg as well as x-rays on my chest.  I have a follow-up appointment on May 6th at UCSF!  At this appointment I will hopefully find out if I am in remission!!  Boohya!

Please pray that Cancer has entirely been removed from my body and that Cancer is only a one-time occurrence!


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