Sunday, February 23, 2014

Follow-up from Feb surgeon's appointment

Hi all!

It occurred to me today while my husband and I were driving back home, that I never posted an update after my February Doctors appointment!  Shame on me!  I started back at work, and I have been very busy!!

My Doctor's Appointment

Earlier this month, I had a follow-up appointment with my Oncology Surgeon, Dr. O'Donnell.  Like all other appointments, this one too was in San Francisco.  This appointment had been on my calendar since early December and was only a follow-up from the surgery.  During the appointment, Dr. O'Donnell said that my burn was really, really bad and that I had a lot of swelling.  At this appointment I was hoping to get a referral for my last PET CT Scan in the next month or so.  After this last scan, Dr. O'Donnell will tell me if I am in remission or not.  I did get the referral but, Dr. O'Donnell told me that he wanted to wait until May!  He told me that he wanted to wait a full three months.  He told me that by waiting, he will be able to get a more true read from the scan's results.  He told me that my leg needs to do more healing and the swelling needs to subside completely.  He said that if they were to scan my leg right away it might read as though I still have cancer when, I might not.

Physical Therapy:  Dr. O'Donnell did give me a referral to physical therapy.  He wants me to go twice per week for 3 months.

Medicine: Dr. O'Donnell gave me a prescription for a medicated gauze.  Before leaving, he had the resident physician place this gauze on me, then wrap my leg with the Ace bandage that I brought.  This gauze made ALL of the difference!!

Update on me

As of today, I am happy to report that my burn has COMPLETELY healed!!  I can't believe it!  I still have numbness, a weird suntan (only on my knee), and a scar BUT, I'm not in pain!  Honestly, I have a little pain, but it is NOTHING like it was and I feel SO much better!!

In short: I'm doing so well!!

What's next?

I have a few appointments coming up - these are the ones I know of...
1. I have a follow-up appointment in March with my Radiation Oncologist.
2. Physical Therapy appointment(s)
3. PET CT Scan in May
4. Follow-up surgeon appointment in May

At my follow-up appointment in May I am hoping to hear the word: Remission!!

Thank you for continuing to pray for me!  I know deep down that your prayers are healing me!

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