Tuesday, October 28, 2014

PET Scan and Results

Hello from San Fran!!  

It is a beautiful day here and everyone is dressed in Giants gear  - so excited for the game tonight!

Your Support 

There is an over whelming amount of support coming my way from many different avenues.  From cards, to e-mails, to Facebook posts, etc.  It is undeniable that so many of you have me and my situation on your minds.  I am forever grateful.  My last post Disappointing MRI Results, has received the most views out of any of my previous posts to date!  Thank you.

Look out San Fran, we're here!

Nate and I arrived in San Francisco on Sunday.  He is in town for a Doctor's convention, so it worked out perfectly with the scheduled scan date and him already having a hotel room booked.  I always take photos of the bridges when we cross them!!

Yesterday, I woke up bright and early for my scan.  I took my first Cab (Uber) ride by myself, over to the Radiology center.  I arrived at 7am to check-in.  I went immediately get set-up with an IV, then they bring in the radioactive sugars in a metal box...

It is so interesting to me that even the syringe is incased in metal... but, somehow its ok for my body?!

I did really well with the Radioactive sugar injection and I didn't barf (last year I got really sick).  After waiting a hour for the sugars to metabolize, I was taken into the chilly exam room.  I was placed in position and propped up with various foam wedges and warm towels....Lets just say it took minutes for me to fall asleep!  Before I knew it the scan was over!  This time around, everything seemed to go much faster.  Maybe I'm an "old pro"by now?!!  Afterwards, I had a bagel sandwich and made it back to the hotel where I slept for most of the day.

Let's here some GOOD news!

Today, Nate and I woke up very early again.  My Doctors appointment wasn't until 8am but, I really wanted to grab a cup of blue bottle coffee first.  It is The. Best. Coffee. The End.

We arrived at UCSF Helen Diller comprehensive cancer center 10 minutes before my appointment.  I filled out all of the paperwork and we waited.  At 9:40, we were taken back into the room.  After some time the resident came in to conduct the initial exam and assessment.  

The Resident pulled up my PET CT images and I immediately saw two areas that were 'glowing'.  My heart sank.  From where I was sitting, I could read what he was typing.... My heart sank again.  Nate saw my face and decided to get up from where he was sitting and stand in-between me and the Resident!  He has said from the beginning that it doesn't matter what anyone else says except for Dr. O'Donnell - and he is right.  There he stood...and thought he was so funny!!  He always knows how to make me laugh!

After more waiting time, Dr. O'Donnell came in.  He examined my enlarged lymph node, my leg, and my range of motion.  He examined the area where the tumor was removed and all of a sudden, he touched an area that was very, very tender.   I never realized this.  He said, "This feels very full."  He and then sat down and started typing. 

After quite some time of him reviewing the last three months of my scans and comparing them to my PET CT scans, he then turned to talk with us. 

Assessment and Plan

Good news, he told me that the Fluid collection has shrunk!!  I am not in as much pain as I have been.  I haven't been pushing it too hard in the gym either, and I've noticed that it doesn't hurt as much.  He told me that constantly in the last 3 scans that I have had, they have all been consistent in noting that the size has shrunk!!!  Yayyyyyy!!  It was 7.4 cm (August 21st), 6.9 cm (September 30), 5.5 cm (October 5), and 3.9 cm (October 27).

More good news... Dr. O'Donnell told me that most likely my lymph node (1.6 cm)  is not cancer as it didn't glow in the PET CT scan.  Personally, I have noticed that it has shrunk.  Dr.O'Donnell told me that I also have enlarged lymph nodes in my chest (armpit area).  He will follow-up with these in a follow-up CT.

He told me that there is a ring of enhancement around the "Popliteal cystic fluid collection/mass".  In the past, the Sarcoma Board has thought that this area; the cyst and the tissue around it, were consistent with a Seroma.  He told me that when I had a tumor last year, the entire area lit-up with the radioactive sugar injection.  Visually, It was the shape of a potato.  However, this time the PET CT lit-up an area in the shape of a doughnut - Just the outer ring.  The cyst in the middle did not - it was still dark.  Because of these differences he is not certain that it is Sarcoma again!!!!  Last year, when I got the PET CT scan of my tumor the glow could be rated at a 1.5, however this area has now given a glow at 4.2 (much brighter).  He told me that he will be bringing these images to the Sarcoma Board on November 14th for further review.

Dr. O'Donnell told me that the second spot that glowed from the PET CT was the area in my gluteus major muscle (my butt) - more specifically my trochanteric brusa.  He told me that this could just be inflammation!!!  He's concerned with the fact that it glowed on the PET CT scan images. However, he wants the Tumor Board to review this as well.  Before the Tumor Board meets again, O'Donnell wants me to get another Pelvic MRI.  He wants it done at University Imaging.  This is the same place that I had the Pelvic MRI done last year.  They are also the place where I had my most recent MRI scan where O'Donnell raved about the quality!

He told me that I have a stable lung nodule.  It is abnormal (not sure what that means), but it is still 4mm.  

More Scans

O'Donnell told me that he would like me to "Take the Holidays off" from scans.  He wants me to get another Chest CT and MRI at the end of January.  He told me that he wants both of these scans done at UCSF.  He requested the MRI be completed on a 3-T (high-powered machine) again.  

Keep Praying!

O'Donnell told me that he would call me after the Tumor Board meets on November 14th. When I get back home, I will rush to get the Pelvic MRI completed and overnight the images to O'Donnell so that he may review them and bring them to the Tumor Board.

Thank you SO much for your support.  I think Nate and I were hoping for more conclusive result but, Im very thankful for how through Dr. O'Donnell is!!!  I really happy the cyst is shrinking and I have positive hopes for what the future brings!!  

Thanks for reading!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Disappointing MRI Results...

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

I hope you had a great weekend!  I got to watch my sister's daughter, Brooklyn, and she wore me out!!  We danced, decorated halloween cookies, went to the park to play, and had a wonderful time!  I love her kids so much, it's hard to imagine the love I'll have when I have my own!

I had my "High powered" MRI completed in Sacramento on September 30th.  The next day, Nate and I went out of town for my State Farm Agency convention.  The convention is held in Las Vegas every three years.  There were 12,000 Agents and guests in attendance!!  State Farm did a really good job showing the financial strength of state farm and getting us really excited for what the future has in store! It was a much needed distraction because I was in Vegas it took away from the urge for me to want to call the radiologists EVERYDAY for results!!

Nate and I in Vegas

As a patient, the Radiologist's report is not available until a week after I have my scan!  They set this rule because they want your Doctor to be able to see the report first, look at the images for themselves and then call you FIRST with any news; good or bad.  Dr. O'Donnell is VERY thorough - which a lot of time will lengthen the turn around time for me to get the results.  Even though they get the Radiologist findings within the time frame, they still ask me to overnight the images.  He then will review the images himself.  He will also have his Radiologists review my images and compare them to my previous scans.  THEN, he will call me.

I did call UCSF bright and early on Monday morning after returning from Las Vegas, October 6th!!  I called Dr. O'Donnell but, they don't get in until after 8am, so I sent them an e-mail.  I have found that e-mail works great as an alternative communication method and the staff at UCSF is VERY good at getting back to me; either with a phone call or a return e-mail.

Nurse Carrol called me back and told me that they had received the report but that they wanted to see the scans (no surprise here).  She wouldn't tell me what the report said - only that I needed to overnight the scans ASAP.  Her not telling me what is on the report is a red flag to me (Nurses can't tell you anything bad - only a Doctor can).  So... since it had been a week, I called the scan facility and asked them to fax a copy of my report (radiologist findings) to my office.  When I got into the office, the report was waiting for me.  I wasn't happy with what I read... (I paraphrased the findings below)
  1. Abnormal T2 signal with enhancement... concerning for Sarcoma.
  2. Large Seroma with irregular peripheral enhancement.  Inflammatory/infectious process must be entertained but this area may be involved in the Sarcoma.
  3. Abnormal signal with linear enhancement adjacent to the inflammatory Seroma.
Ummm... Did I read SARCOMA???!!!  Clearly a typo - right!!?  We knew about the Seroma (pocket of fluid) for a while but, Sarcoma?  Let's just say I agreed with Nurse Carrol - that the Dr. needed to see my images right away!!

I overnighted the images and then called the very next morning just to confirm hat they received the images.  Nurse Carrol told me that they have the images and they are getting them uploaded and that as soon as Dr. O'Donnell reviews them that she would call.  Since Ive been having a lot of pain in my leg (upper thigh, knee, and foot) she then suggested that I go to the ER to get checked for a possible blood clot.  I never like going to get checked for a blood clot because it takes forever and I was pretty sure that I didn't have one (Not the same type of pain)!!  But, I went anyways.

At least I come prepared!!

Nurse Carrol called the next afternoon.  She told me that I have the Seroma (that we all knew about).  She told me that the Seroma has moved!  It was in my incision area - on the inside part of my right knee area.  However, now it has moved the the right side of my back right knee area.  She told me that the Seroma relocating could be causing my pain because it could be pushed-up on a nerve or two.  She told me that Dr. O'Donnell said that they tissue around my Seroma is changing but, that they are not she what it is changing to.  She told me that it could be inflammation, infection, scar tissue, or Cancer.  She told me that Dr. O'Donnell doesn't seemed too concerned since I already have a PET CT scheduled for October 27th and they will wait to see what it says.  She asked me not to over stress my knee area with working out too much.

Later on in the afternoon, Nurse Carol called back and told me that they received the results from my ultrasound for the blood clot.  She seemed really concerned.  She told me that Dr. O'Donnell asked her to call me back.  She told me that the ultrasound identified a big enlarged lymph node in my right groin area.  I asked her if I could feel it?  Because I could feel something like a jelly bean in that area that has been causing pain down my leg.  She told me that when it gets to be the size it is now, that YES I could feel it.  She told me that O'Donnell was concerned with the enlarged lymph node.  She told me, "We will be monitoring your PET scan results very closely now."

I wish she hadn't said that last statement.  I think they would have watched it closely regardless, right?  The last statement had me worried.  So, of course I Googled it!  Im pretty sure Google should be disabled for Cancer patients - seriously!!

In researching the new finding of a enlarged lymph node, I found results for infection and cancer.  The good news is that only 10% of the time my cancer spreads to the lymph nodes.  As far as Cancer goes, that is NOT very much.  It is also highly unlikely because of how 'low grade' my cancer was.  At this point I sure am hoping that is it NOTHING!!!  Or just inflammation (that would be nice too).

I know this goes without asking but please pray for my upcoming scan next Monday on October 27th!  Pray that no evidence of disease is found.  Pray that I get to move forward from this chapter in my life!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Good Morning!  I hope you are having a good day! Nate grandparents are in town visiting us and we've had a blast celebrating Grandpa's birthday!

I wanted to take a minute to update you since my last series of posts.  This is an update from September and the follow-ups from my regularly scheduled MRI.

Too many cases, not enough time!

After completely bugging O'Donnel's staff with my phone calls, they called me back!  Unfortunately, at the Sarcoma Board on Sept 12th, they were set to discuss three cases and were only able to review one.... My case was not the one they reviewed.

Can you imagine having a case so complex (Im assuming), that it takes some of the best doctors, radiologists, surgeons, over three hours to discuss!?  I sure hope that patient is receiving the care they need.  Nurse Carrol told me that they would discuss my case in two weeks at the next Sarcoma board meeting on September 26th.

Results from the Sarcoma Board on September 26th

Dr. O'Donnell was able to present my scans at the Sarcoma Board on September 26th!!  He called me to tell me that the Radiologists were able to review my scans and told me that I have a Seroma that is getting bigger and that the area around the Seroma appears to be inflamed, scar tissue, or infection.

He mentioned nothing about the additional spot on my lung.

He was concerned that I am having more and more pain in my leg.  He ordered another MRI on my right leg!  This is the scone MRI in three weeks!  He told me that I can get the MRI done outside of UCSF as long as I am able to request the high powered machine (T3). He also requested that the MRI technician focus in only on my right knee area - he doesn't need to see two legs in the images - he wants the machines entire strength to give the clearest images possible of whats causing the pain in my right knee.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 15, 2014

No news... is good news?

Good Morning!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!  Nate and I went golfing and then spent the weekend in Truckee with friends.  We had a GREAT time.  I was happy that we were back with enough time to still get our laundry done for the week and watch the 49er game!

Recently, I've noticed the views on my blog start to tick up and I've received a lot of text messages from friends wanting to know if I've heard anything yet.  I figured I would update everyone with a post.

UCSF Sarcoma Board

Last Friday, Sept 12th is when the Sarcoma Board was going to review my scans and let me know if there is anything to worry about.  Dr. O'Donnell did tell me that he would call Friday after the meeting, or over the weekend, or the following week.  What a large rage of dates!  As of today, I still haven't heard from my Oncology Surgeon.  Boooo!  I had my phone on all week just waiting for it to ring with Dr. O'Donnell's name, but no such luck!  Im hoping that no news, is GOOD NEWS!

This morning, I called UCSF and they were still closed.  So I e-mailed Dr. O'Donnell with a friendly reminder.  Hopefully, I'll know more soon.

Pain in my Knee

As of the last week and a half, I have been experiencing some pain in my right knee area again. Not in the same spot as my incision though. This pain is not the normal sore/tight feeling I have daily in my leg (quite frankly, I've gotten used to that pain). This is different. The back of my knee area, towards the right side of the crease, is really tight and painful.  I notice it more when I straighten out my right leg. In fact, Nate (my husband) has told met hat he can feel a difference and he can visually notice it too.

I also e-mailed Dr. O'Donnell regarding this pain.  I just want to make sure it's nothing to worry about!

I'll update you all as soon as I hear!  

I hope you have wonderful Monday!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Follow-up Oncology Appointment at UCSF

I hope you're having a great day!!

This post is a continuation of my last post. I just obtained copies of the Radiologist findings/reports from my follow-up CT scan of my chest, and my Right leg MRI... and I didn't sleep well the day before this appointment!

UCSF, Here we come!

I'm always excited to see Dr. O'Donnell, Last Thursday, September 5th - I was even more excited.  After reading the radiologist findings, I couldn't wait to see him and see what he had to say!  I was hoping that the Radiologist reports were wrong!  Read my last blog post HERE.

I woke-up at my normal 5:30am time and went to the gym.  This has been my routine since finishing up Physical Therapy in April.  I went to work and came back home around 11:30.  Since you can never predict San Francisco's traffic, Nate and I like to leave early - better safe than sorry.  Im so thankful that I have my husband to drive me all the way out to the city!!

I wore yellow for my appointment - since yellow is the ribbon color for Sarcoma and because Im stronger than Sarcoma!!!

Follow-up Appointment

My appointment was scheduled for 3:10pm and we arrived in the waiting room around 2:30pm.  I was called back almost immediately for my vitals (blood pressure, heart rate, weight, etc).  I returned to the waiting room until a room opened up for us.  Tuesdays and Thursdays Dr. O'Donnell is 'in clinic', which is fancy for 'he's seeing patients and not doing surgeries'.

The current Resident came in first to examine me and start the log notes for Dr. O'Donnell.  I can't tell you how many Residents we have met during my treatment at UCSF, but its been a ton!  Since UCSF is a school, they do a ton of teaching and it's nice to know that they are learning from such a specialized surgeon like Dr. O'Donnell!

Dr. O'Donnell came in an also examined me.  He told me that the Radiologist who typed up my reports didn't compare the images with my last scans.  He seemed irritated that the MRI images weren't done on the high-powered Tesla 3 MRI machine, instead they were done on a Tesla 1.5.  He told me that in the future he wants all of my scans done by UCSF.  He told me that he was trying to work with us to minimize the drive time but, that from here on out we will need to drive out to UCSF.

Dr. O'Donnell's summary:
  1. Dr. O'Donnell told me that my thymus wasn't a concern to him.  
  2. He told me that he did notice the extra nodule (spot) on my scans.  
  3. He also told me that there is now a 3.5-mm bone island on my T-11 vertebral body but, that the images aren't showing a lesion into my bone.  This is good because it is not a concern at this point.  Read about the dangers of a Bone Island HERE
  4. He told me that my Seroma has doubled in size and that I have more fluid on my knee than before.  He confirmed that the Seroma has an irregular thick advancing wall and it is giving a bright T2 signal on the MRI (same brightness as my Cancer showed before). 

Sarcoma Tumor Board

Dr. O'Donnell told me that he would like to present my scans to the sarcoma tumor board that will be meeting on September 12th (Next Friday).  He told me that they have the BEST Radiologists and Sarcoma specialists.  He would like them to review the images and he told me that he would call me that Friday or over the next weekend to let me know what they discussed.

Read more about the Sarcoma Board HERE


Dr. O'Donnell also would like me to come in for another PET CT scan.  Since over-radiation is a concern (I just had a CT scan done a few weeks ago), He recommended that I wait until next month to get my PET CT scan done.  He added that he might have a hard time getting the PET scan pushed through insurance if we don't wait until next month, because they only pay for one per year.  He looked at my file and realized that the last PET CT scan that I had done was October 25th, 2013.  He told me that he would have his assistant schedule me right after this date so that we wouldn't get any push back from insurance... PERFECT TIMING!

Read more about a PET CT Scan HERE

I was able to talk to Dr. O'Donnell's assistant on Friday, and I have a PET CT scan scheduled for October 27th with a follow-up appointment on the results scheduled for the very next day on October 28th.  Dr. O'Donnell doesn't wait for anything!!!

At this point I don't have anything conclusive to report until after the Sarcoma board meets on September 12th.

I'm hoping an praying for good news!!

Thank you for reading!

3-Month Follow-up Scans and Results!

I hope you are enjoying your Saturday!

I woke up this morning with a sore throat.  I've been taking it easy today and though I would update you on my most recent scans.

MRI & CT Scan

Towards the end of August, I was scheduled to get my follow-up scans. I got the MRI of my right leg and a Chest CT Scan at an Imaging center up in Auburn.

I had to get both scans on different days due to the different contrast fluids that they inject me with.  For the Chest CT, they inject me with iodine.  If you have had a iodine contrast injected in you before then you know the almost indescribable feeling!  You get hot in your throat, then it burns, then it travels down your body, then your left feeling like you peed your pants!  So weird and so funny all at the same time!  

My Mom was kind enough to drive me to these scans.  Dr. O'Donnell gave me a prescription for Valium for these days that I have scans.  The Valium helps me relax, since I'm in a small tube for up to 90 minutes!  I certainly cannot drive to or from my appointment.  Anyways, I'm very grateful for my Mom for always being there to take me!

Copies of Images and Reports

Whenever I have scans, I always get copies to bring with me to my Oncology follow-up appointment.  Dr. O'Donnell likes to have a master record of all of my scans on file.  I'm never able to get copies of my reports (Radiologist findings), until it has been over 7-days.  This is because they want the chance for my doctor to read them first.  Typically a patient would have a follow-up appointment within a few days of the scans, so you can hear it directly from the doctor - instead of reading them yourself.  There is definite ups and downs to the procedure!  I always like to know ASAP - good or bad, I just want to know.  Its the waiting that kills a person!

This time since my follow-up appointment wasn't until 10 days after my scans I was able to get copies of the radiologist findings prior to my appointment.  Here is a summary of the findings...

  1. CT Scan
    1. An additional spot was found in my lungs.  The original 'spot' was found on my left lung measuring 4mm, the second spot was found on my right lung measuring 3 mm.  Still very tiny, but concerning that there are two now.
    2. "Probable residual thymus".  Read about a Thymus HERE.
  2. MRI of Right Leg
    1. The Seroma in my Right knee has some "irregular advancing tissue" and they are unable to rule out a 'residual tumor' at this time.
Lets just say I didn't sleep very well before my appointment on September 5th!!

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

Thank you for reading!

Results are in... Decliared N.E.D!!

It has been approximately 4 months since my last blog post and 3 months since I heard some great news!

Sweet Victory!

I have some FANTASTIC news to share with each one of you!  On May 6th, 2014 At my Oncology follow-up appointment, I was declared NED (No Evidence of Disease)!  The results came back and showed no evidence of Cancer anywhere!  BOOHYA!

Im considered NED!!  I've waited so long to hear those words!!!  What a relief.  I will be considered "Cancer-Free" once I have had clear scans for 5 years!!

What to do with the Seroma

Of course, I asked him about getting the Seroma out of my leg.  Dr. O'Donnell explained to me that when a large tumor is removed from the body, after they sew up the incision, there is a large hole where the tumor once was.  The Seroma is a pocket of fluid that forms in that hole.  He told me that approximately 5 years ago, whenever a patient would get a Seroma in their leg - they would stick a needle in it and test the fluid to make sure there are no cancer cells in the fluid.  He told me that 100% of the time there were no cancer cells.  He said that it is very rare in medicine to get an absolute 100% no cancer cells, therefore he is certain there are not cancer cells in the Seroma.  He told me that mine isn't infected.  He told me that with time, mine will just absorb into my body.

Can we have babies now?

My husband and I have been waiting until after this cancer situation is resolved to be able to start a family.  Since My scans came back clear, we wanted to know if now we could start trying.  Dr. O'Donnell told me that he really doesn't want me to get pregnant because when I'm pregnant he wouldn't order any scans on my body.  He told me that he follows the stage of the Cancer as a rule.  For example, if I had state 2 Sarcoma, I would need to wait 2 1/2 years.  If I had state 3 we would need to wait 3 1/2 years.  He asked me to wait at least 12-18 months from when I finished up Radiation.  He told me that he would let us know when we could start trying.

Nate told me that we should use the next 12-18 months to travel and for me to build up my strength.  I finished up physical therapy in April and I was still really weak in my leg.  I'm looking forward to the traveling part of the next 12-18 months!!

Follow-up Scans

Dr. O'Donnell told me that 50% of the time, if the Cancer is going to come back - it will come back within the first 12-18 months.  He suggested that I have follow-up scans every 3-months for the foreseeable future.

Every 3 months I will have a MRI on my right leg.  Did you know that MRI's don't give off radiation?  They are even safe to get when you are pregnant!!  He will also monitor the spot in my lung too.  He told me that since the CT Scans give off so much radiation, he will alternate a CT Scan with an x-ray of my lungs every three months.  My next MRI and CT Scans will be in August.

Dr. O'Donnell is very thorough... If there is any residual tumor that the Radiation didn't kill, he wants to catch it early.  He had me think about it, and explained, if there are stage-1 tumor cells left behind, by the time he catches it growing, it could already be stage 2 or 3.

All and all, this was a day I will NEVER forget!  To hear the words "No evidence of Disease", was an unforgettable moment!!

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Girls trip & Waiting for Results

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are all having a great day!

Girls Trip

My day started bright and early this morning.  I'm currently on a plane, heading to Tampa, Florida to spend some time with my sweet pregnant friend. She is flying in to meet me from Detroit, Michigan (we can't wait to tan our pale legs)!  This is basically the last week or so that she would be allowed to fly, so we are calling this her Baby-Moon.  it's truly a girls trip since she is pregnant with a girl too! I can't wait!

Waiting for Results

I wanted to take a minute to let you know that Nurse Carol did call me back on Monday. Unfortunately, she was calling to tell me that Dr. O'Donnell had not had a chance to view my scans. She did tell me that the report did identify the Seroma in my leg. She told me that Dr. O'Donnell most likely will want to examine my leg next week, before they tell me anything.

I hopeful that the scans will show that the Cancer has been fully removed from my knee area!

Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to write to me and check-up to see how I'm doing!

Love you all!

Monday, April 28, 2014

MRI follow-up scan of right leg.

Happy Monday!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Baby Shower Fun

On Saturday, I was able to help throw a baby shower for two highly-deserving parents.  Baby showers are SO much fun!  It is a time to celebrate before the baby arrives and you can feel the anticipation in the air!  I can tell that this baby is already so loved!!


Last week I had the follow-up scan on my right leg. The last time I had an MRI on my right leg was last October - when Dr. O'Donnell ordered it.  Since then, I have had surgery, and radiation!  I have been waiting for this scan for a long time!

Wednesday morning, my Mom showed up at my house to drive me to my appointment.  I really don't like the the small, confined MRI 'tube' that I lay in for 1 1/2 hours.  Dr. O'Donnell prescribed me Valium to relax me.  This is why my Mom or my husband will drive me to my appointment.  I must say that I always look forward to my scan days because my Mom is with me (I think this part of her plan)!!

We got there early and I filled out more paperwork - hey, I'm getting pretty efficient at filling out paperwork!  I was called back to the MRI room, where I changed into my sweatpants and top that I brought with me.  It's important that what you wear into the scan has no metal on it.  The MRI machine uses magnetic resonance to create the images.  Having metal in a magnetic machine would not be good.

About 75% through the scan or about 1-hour into the appointment, the technician will stop the machine to administer an IV with Gadolinium.  The Gadolinium is a rare earth metal.  After it has been injected into the blood stream, the technician will start more scans and finish out the session. At this point, I essentially I have metal in my veins, this will produce a contrast image where my blood vessels appear to 'glow' on the remaining MRI images.  This 'glowing' effect is helpful for Doctors to be able to diagnose Cancer using the MRI images - partly because Cancer needs nourishment in order for it to grow.  The nourishment is provided through blood vessels.  So when a tumor is advancing and is being nourished it will typically glow bright on the contrast images due to all of the blood flow... make sense?

You can read more about Gadolinium HERE.

Conversation with MRI Technician

When the technician came in to administer the IV - the conversation went like this...

Technician:  (not making eye contact) "Soooo when is your follow-up appointment with your doctor?" 
Me: "On May 6th."
Me: Oh, you must be asking because of the Seroma in my knee area..?
Technician: (silence)
Me: "Did you see that pocket of fluid in my leg?"
Technician: (making eye contact) "Ummmm, yeaaa, just a little bit." (quickly looked back down)

Of course I'm totally reading into everything - I mean who wouldn't!?  I wish she never said anything!  It freaks me out because she had been watching the scan images as they appear in the outside room.  Typically, they know a LOT more than they will ever be allowed say - they see these images all day long!

Images and Reports

When the scan was complete, I always wait around afterward to request a copy of my images.  I take the images and I've compiled them into "My Cancer Binder".  IT has all my records - I mean everything!  This is helpful because if I ever needed to get a second opinion, I have them all in one place.  It is also helpful to get a copy of the images because I've learned that it takes an extremely long time for them to upload the images to my Oncology Surgeon. When I get the images - I immediately overnight them to my Surgeon.  Dr. O'Donnell is very thorough - regardless of what a radiologist's report says - he will not tell me ANYTHING until he sees those images for himself!

Would it surprise you if I told you that I called my surgeon 5 times the next day (last Thursday), and I overnighted the images.  I called the imaging center on Friday morning and they told me that they already sent the report to Dr. O'Donnell.  I then verified that the overnighted images were signed for before,  I called Nurse Carol 3 times on Friday.  She called me back a few different times to tell me that the images were received and they should be uploaded on Monday but, that they still didn't have the report.  She told me that she would have Dr. O'Donnell review the images on Monday and they would tell me what they think.

Long Weekend

Typically, it is a really GOOD thing when you consider the weekend 'long'.  Well let me tell you, not when you are waiting for MRI results!!  The funny thing is, I have been waiting 3 months after radiation to get this scan done in the first place... whats a couple more days?  I guess it is just that there are a few people out there in the world that already know the results - and not one of them is ME!  lol

Please pray that I find out something on Monday - good or bad!!  I can deal with the facts, its the not knowing that eats at you.  Please pray for my patience in God's timing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Emergency Room Scare

Happy Monday!

I hope your having a great day!

I had to go to the Emergency Room last Tuesday, April 15th. 

My husband posted something on Facebook about us being in the ER, so I created this post to keep you all in the loop!  Thank you for all of the calls and prayers!!

Physical Therapy

At Physical Therapy, I told my Therapist that I've been having a TON of calf stiffness and tightness.  My Physical Therapist, Elisa told me that when I was done with my exercises for the day that she would spend some time rubbing my scar tissue.  I know that she didn't use the word 'rub' - it was a much fancier word but, this is basically what she did.
Once my exercises were done (along with some new ones she decided to throw in there), Elisa had me lay on the table, tummy down.  She used a cream that is reminiscent to icy/hot and started rubbing the area.  She remarked about how tan the area still is from the Radiation.  Then, she sort of honed-in on one area.  It was very tender to the touch.  Elisa told me that "I have some very interesting tissue in my leg."  I told her that a couple of weeks ago, I felt something in there too.  I told her because of this, that I was really reluctant to scheduling my follow-up scan!  She told me that the tissue wasn't there before and that it doesn't feel like muscle or fat tissue.  She told me that it felt like a 'sack'.  She called over the other Therapist that was there at the time, his name is John.  She had John rub the area.  It wasn't long before John stopped and backed away from the table.  He said, "Due to your history and what I'm feeling in your leg.  I'm going to request that Therapy cease for the day and that  you leave and go call you Doctor." (so scary)  Thank GOD they are so thorough!

I called my Oncology Surgeon, Dr. O'Donnell, and Nurse Carol returned my phone call with in 2 minutes!  I told her what the Therapist said and she told me that I needed to go to the ER to get a ultrasound to rule out a blood clot, ASAP.  Nurse Carol told me that it might also be a Seroma, but that it is uncommon.  She also told me that she would move-up the scheduling of my follow-up scans so that they can see it sooner.

Emergency Room

That night my husband took me to the ER and within the hour, my Mom showed-up!  I would have to say that the ER is probably the best place for people watching!!  My name was called and I was brought to a back room for my ultrasound.  Here is a picture of me with the Ultrasound Technician.

Good News - they DID rule out a blood clot!!  They told me that what I have is called a "Wound Seroma".  You can read about it HERE.

The Seroma is about 3cm x 5cm.  Nurse Carol told me that I might be able to get it drained since it is causing pain.  I really hope that they do drain it!  The stiffness and tightening of my calf muscle is similiar to when I had the tumor in my calf muscle - It really creeps me out!!

I have my follow-up MRI scan on my leg scheduled for this Wednesday, April 23rd.  I will know more in the next couple of weeks!

Please pray that the Seroma doesn't grow any bigger!  Pray that the MRI and Chest x-rays come out clear!

On this day and everyday, I am very THANKFUL for the support and love from friends and family.

Thanks for Reading!

Radiation Oncology, Follow-up appointment

It's April, ALREADY!!?

Where has the time gone?

In March, I had a follow-up in March with my Radiation Oncologist.

Dr. Sharon Dutton had moved her office to Shingle Springs, so my follow-up appointment was there. I really enjoyed having a change of scenery.  It was almost symbolic of this change in my journey!

After about a 2-hour wait (Sharon is busy, busy), I was escorted to my room.

In there the Nurse took my vitals and gave me a robe.  She told me to undress from the waist UP. Then she said, "So, How are the 'girls' doing (and looked at my chest)?"  My face turned red.  Ummmm...?  I realized almost instantly that she must have thought I was a Breast Cancer patient!!  lol  I politely told her that I had Cancer in my right leg!  Her face turned red.  (Everyone's faces are turning red today!)I went on to tell her that my leg was doing just fine.

After about 5 minutes, Dr. Dutton walked in and I instantly felt a warm feeling of relief - a familiar face!!  She is the best and I am so happy that she is my Radiation Oncologist.

She wanted to know how I was doing.  How was the radiation burn?

I immediately showed her how good my leg and scar are looking!!  She inspected my leg and agreed - it is looking GREAT!  She told me that the 'freckles' that I see are the hair follicles that are still 'irritated'.  She pointed out that my skin is still tanned from the radiation rays and that it should continue to fade with time.  She told me that over all, its looking great. 

Isn't it looking GREAT!?

Radiation will cause the tissue to stiffen around the joint.  This has been a concern of Dr. Dutton's from the beginning.  She wanted to make sure that I will still be able to go up and down stairs. She wanted to know how my knee is moving?  I explained that it is really stiff.  I explained that I started Physical Therapy and that with time and lots of movement the stiffness will be manageable!

At the end Dr. Dutton told me that I have inspired her in so many ways and that she is so relieved to see that I'm doing well.  Dr. Dutton scheduled my next follow-up for 6 months out (in September).

Overall, this was a GREAT appointment!  Just one step-closer to being cancer free!

Whats next for me...  At the end of this month, I have another MRI of my right leg as well as x-rays on my chest.  I have a follow-up appointment on May 6th at UCSF!  At this appointment I will hopefully find out if I am in remission!!  Boohya!

Please pray that Cancer has entirely been removed from my body and that Cancer is only a one-time occurrence!


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Follow-up from Feb surgeon's appointment

Hi all!

It occurred to me today while my husband and I were driving back home, that I never posted an update after my February Doctors appointment!  Shame on me!  I started back at work, and I have been very busy!!

My Doctor's Appointment

Earlier this month, I had a follow-up appointment with my Oncology Surgeon, Dr. O'Donnell.  Like all other appointments, this one too was in San Francisco.  This appointment had been on my calendar since early December and was only a follow-up from the surgery.  During the appointment, Dr. O'Donnell said that my burn was really, really bad and that I had a lot of swelling.  At this appointment I was hoping to get a referral for my last PET CT Scan in the next month or so.  After this last scan, Dr. O'Donnell will tell me if I am in remission or not.  I did get the referral but, Dr. O'Donnell told me that he wanted to wait until May!  He told me that he wanted to wait a full three months.  He told me that by waiting, he will be able to get a more true read from the scan's results.  He told me that my leg needs to do more healing and the swelling needs to subside completely.  He said that if they were to scan my leg right away it might read as though I still have cancer when, I might not.

Physical Therapy:  Dr. O'Donnell did give me a referral to physical therapy.  He wants me to go twice per week for 3 months.

Medicine: Dr. O'Donnell gave me a prescription for a medicated gauze.  Before leaving, he had the resident physician place this gauze on me, then wrap my leg with the Ace bandage that I brought.  This gauze made ALL of the difference!!

Update on me

As of today, I am happy to report that my burn has COMPLETELY healed!!  I can't believe it!  I still have numbness, a weird suntan (only on my knee), and a scar BUT, I'm not in pain!  Honestly, I have a little pain, but it is NOTHING like it was and I feel SO much better!!

In short: I'm doing so well!!

What's next?

I have a few appointments coming up - these are the ones I know of...
1. I have a follow-up appointment in March with my Radiation Oncologist.
2. Physical Therapy appointment(s)
3. PET CT Scan in May
4. Follow-up surgeon appointment in May

At my follow-up appointment in May I am hoping to hear the word: Remission!!

Thank you for continuing to pray for me!  I know deep down that your prayers are healing me!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Trip to San Fran + Question & Answer time!


Today is National Cancer Survivor's Day!  In my journey, I've learned that it is very important to celebrate the little things... even if its a National day!

I have an appointment with my Surgeon today.  Im happy that he's back to work.  I can't wait to see him and see for myself how he's doing.  As I type, my husband is driving us to San Francisco!  Im looking forward to seeing the city and the water!  Hopefully we will get to have lunch there too!  It's been a while since we've had to make this trip.  Today's appointment is a scheduled check-up on how my leg is doing.

Here is a picture of my outfit today.  It's no secret that Im obsessed with Stella & Dot.  Today, Im wearing the gorgeous Green Stone Sutton Necklace with the Palm Springs Nave Stripe Elephant scarf!  S&D makes me happy!

As soon as Im done with this appointment, I will tell you all what happened once I get home!

Question & Answer

I get asked a few of the same questions all the time. So I wanted to take a couple minutes to answer them all on here in case anyone else has similar questions.

Q: Does your leg hurt?

A:  I won't sugar coat it... Radiation hurts really, really bad!  I told my husband last night that it hurts like I just had surgery.  Seriously.  Bad.

Q: Are you Cancer-free yet?

A: No, not yet.  Well, I guess I could be but, I haven't heard it from the doctors yet.  I have a couple steps that need to happen before

Q: What are the next steps?  

A: My next step is to get a PET CT (cancer) Scan of my right leg to see if the Radiation worked

Q: When is that PET CT Scan scheduled for?

A: As of right now, I don't have this scan scheduled.  Right now, my Doctors are waiting for the Radiation side-effects to subside.  When I still have a burn, this means that the Radiation is still working.  If I was to get a scan now, it very well could come back positive for Cancer because the Radiation is still working.  However, if we wait, once the side effects are done, then the scan will give a muck more truer read.  I will then know if the Radiation worked, or if we will need to proceed to Plan B.

Q: How are you walking?  Can you walk?

A:  Im walking really well!!  Actually right now I have a limp.  The massive Radiation burn is on the inner side of my right leg, then it wraps around the backside of my knee joint.  Because if this, it really  hurts to bend my leg.  Sitting at a chair is the absolute worst.  However if Im sitting with my leg straight, then it is much easier!  However, after surgery and prior to this burn, I have been waling surprisingly well!  I love it when people haven't seen me in a while and they are so surprised by how well Im doing!

Q: What about that spot that was on your lung... What was it?

A: In short.. I don't know and we hope too find out more from my surgeon today.  Since he was ill I haven't been able to talk to him directly about it.  I do know that the Cancer in my leg had not entered my blood stream, which means that the Sarcoma had not spread to my lungs.  I do know that the spot is still there though.  I could very well be a spot from when I had Bronchitis twice last year.  I don't know if they will continue to monitor it or not.

Q: After having Radiation, can you still have babies?

A: I sure hope so!!  Technically, I don't know.  My Radiation Oncologist told me that the Radiation that is delivered now-a-days is so concentrated only to the one area that they want to treat that it is highly unlikely that even scatter Radiation hit my ovaries.  She told me that if I were to get pregnant the day after my last Radiation treatment day, that the baby would be fine!

Please pray that they spot in my lungs is nothing and that the Radiation worked it's magic.  Pray that we have a safe trip to and from San Francisco.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Peak of Pain

I hope you all had a great Saturday!

I can't believe it is already February!  February is my birthday month, so I get extra excited!

Burn, Baby, BURN!

I woke up today and I was in a ton of pain.  I asked my husband to snap a couple photos of my radiation area.  I feel like these photos really capture the height of pain that I am feeling.

Radiation hurts like a really bad burn... Every minute I'm reminded of the burn. I know that the burn I feel is burning the Cancer so it really makes me happy, in some weird way!!

Peak Pain Day

Good News!  Yesterday was the peak pain day!  This means that each day starting today, I should only get better and better!  Yesterday was my peak day because the Radiation continues to burn for an entire 7 days after my last day of treatment, until I hit the peak (7th day).

Last Day of Radiation

Speaking of last Friday, I must share with you some highlights of that very special day!  I was so thankful that my Mom took the day off to be with me and make the day so memorable.  The whole day felt like a huge party!  I arrived at the Radiation center and went to the changing room.  I waited for only a few minutes before they called my name over the loud speaker... only this time, instead of saying "Jennifer" they called out "HEY PARTY GIRL, COME ON DOWN!"  The last Treatment seemed to go by quicker than any other day!  When I was done, the nurses allowed me to snap this photo of 'My view" of the Radiation machine.  You can see my right leg elevated in the 'cradle' higher than my left leg.  The right leg is elevated higher, so that when the large (dark grey) radiation machine rotates to my left side, the radiation only hits my right leg and misses my left leg all together.

And then the nurses snapped these photos of me!

By the time I got down off of the table, all the nurses in the room were crying!  Apparently, they loved me and were all so happy that this was over for me!  They told me that they will always remember my positive attitude, and in the sweetest way told me that they never hope to see me again... Well, at least not in Radiation Oncology.


Later that evening, I got to go to dinner with Nate and his Boss!  His Boss, Taylor brought her husband, and Nate's co-worker, Matt brought his Wife Katie!  If your following me.. all 6 of us had a fantastic dinner!  IT was so nice to finally put faces and personalities to the people that I've heard about at home.  I only wish we could all go out to dinner (all 6 of us), again!

Please pray for the healing of my leg.  Pray that the pain subsides.  Pray that I'm able to get good sleep with no pain.

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Good News/Bad News

Im so excited, I just don't even know where to begin!  Today wasn't just a normal day… TODAY, I got some great news!

Today, I also got some sad news.

Im a PEST!

Ever since my Chest CT on Monday, I have literally called the Imaging center and my Surgeons office a TON!  I feel like the biggest PEST, but sometimes you need to be.

I even went by the imaging center.  I was told that they would not give me a copy of my report - that they sent it to my surgeon and I had to hear from him.  However, I was able to get the digital images of my scan.  To the average person… those pictures mean NOTHING!  lol  It's good to have them in case I ever wanted a second opinion, I'd have them with me!

I called my Surgeon's office twice yesterday and again today.  The un-known will kill a person!!

My Sad News...

I heard back from Regina in his office this afternoon.  She told me that my Surgeon, Dr. O'Donnell was in the hospital for his own health concern.  My sad news… They admitted him and he was still in the hospital.  She was very careful not to tell my WHY he was there.  That was the worst news of my day.  I guess even my Guardian Angel needs prayers!  So, right now, please pray for my Surgeon.  Dr. O'Donnell has done so much good for so many patient and children.  He is also a 'newer' Dad himself and I can't imagine what his Wife must be going through!  Pray that he heals quickly and is better than ever when he returns to work.  Please pray for his family and see to it that they are able to get rest and not worry.

Regina apologized to me for not getting back to me sooner. She told me that with his un-expected absence, they were running around trying to get all of his appointments rescheduled (Which I completely understand).  She told me that he will be back in 2-weeks.  She told me that she talked to Nurse carol and Nurse Carol was waiting to hear back from Dr. O'Donnell.  Considering the circumstances of him being out, she wanted to know if he would still like to view the scan images himself before they tell me anything, or if it would be ok for her to tell me something over the phone.

My GREAT News!

About 2:30 today I heard back from Nurse Carol!  She said, "I can't tell you anything more that is on this report than this one line that I will read to you.  I can't give you my opinion, etc."  "ok", I replied.  She told me that when I have my follow-up meeting with Dr. O'Donnell on Feb 4th that he will go over more with me.  She told me,"The report stated that there is NO evidence of Metastatic Disease to the Thorax."

You can read more about Metastatic Disease HERE  and why this is the BEST news I could have received today!!!

After reading that article, aren't you ecstatic that I don't have that!??????  I couldn't be more happier!!!!

Again, Nurse Carol told me nothing else!  She didn't tell me if the nodule has grown or remained the same, if I will continue to need more follow-up scans or what…. nothing else.  However, Im really happy that she did share with me that it hasn't spread, I was so worried about that.

Thank you to each and every one of you that has been praying for me.  Thank you for the positive e-mails, texts, etc.  You have really helped 'carry me' through this journey.

I hope to hear the word: REMISSION, at some point this year!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Radiation update, Lung CT Scan, and Chlorine

Good Morning!

I hope you all have a great Saturday planned!

Today, Im going to a Baby Shower then Im off to make a new Thai Coconut Curry Soup recipe!  This is one of my favorite soups to order out at a restaurant... its about time that I learn how to make it!

I absolutely Love, Love, LOVE Saturdays!  It is one of the days that I have more energy since I don't have Radiation today.  I feel so much more accomplished by the time the day is over.  Although, I will be tired, I won't be exhausted and for that I love Saturdays!

Radiation Check-up

Each Thursday, after my Radiation Therapy, I have a Doctor's appointment with my Radiation Oncologist.  Dr. Dutton reviews my treatment, looks over my leg, and prescribes me any medication that I need.  This week she told me that my skin looks great.  She always compares it to her other patients (most who are older), so for that comparison she always tells me that my skin looks great!  It feels like a really bad sunburn.  The polka-dots are my 'pissed-off' hair folicules.  As expected, my hair is not growing back in the sunburn area!  Im SO excited for that!!  No more shaving my right knee!

Dr. Dutton also explained to me that she is really wanting to see a pink scar.  She told me that their goal is to not only target the 'margins' around the scar but to really target the scar itself!  She explained that when the incision is made during surgery that any Cancer cells that are close to the surface, will get 'dragged' or spread by the scapula down the incision.  Then, the incision heals creating scar tissue.  Scar tissue is naturally thicker.  Therefore, the cancer cells in the thick scar tissue are hard to get to - they really target that scar!  We don't want Cancer cells in thick tissue to start getting any ideas and grow!

Next week is my LAST week of Radiation!  Wahooo!!! Dr. Dutton told me that for my last week of treatment she will 'turn-up' the Radiation to really 'burn' those Cancer cells!! "Burn, baby, BURN"is what I say!!

My Left Lung

Remember in December when my Surgeon told me that they were monitoring the spot in my lung?  Well, on Monday January 20th, I finally have my Chest CT scan!  I would be lying if I told you that it hasn't been on my mind ever since that appointment!  I just can't wait to get it over with and hear the results...whatever they may be.  Its the unknown that eats me up!  Please pray for me.  May appointment is at Noon, right after my Radiation.  I will update you with the results next week, as soon as I get them.


Im my Cancer research I have stumbled upon Chlorine.  Did you know... A study carried out in Hartford Connecticut, the first of it's kind in North America, found that, 

"women with breast cancer have 50% to 60% higher levels of organochlorines (chlorination byproducts) in their breast tissue than women without breast cancer."  

You can read more about this study HERE.

When most people hear 'chlorine' they immediately think: pool water.  What's more interesting about my research is that a majority of the chlorine exposure does NOT come from pool water but from Chlorine inhalation.

"One of the most shocking components to all of these studies is that up to 2/3s of our harmful exposure to chlorine is due to inhalation of steam and skin absorption while showering. A warm shower opens up the pores of the skin and allows for accelerated absorption of chlorine and other chemicals in water. The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 50 times the level of chemicals than tap water due to the fact that chlorine and most other contaminants vaporize much faster and at a lower temperature than water."

I share this with you today because this is a VERY easy fix!  I purchased a shower water filter for my shower about one month ago!  It was so easy to instal by myself.  Now, I don't worry about getting breast cancer from my hot shower!!  Plus, no chlorine in the water means my skin is a LOT less dry AND I've noticed a huge difference in my hair!  The filter only needs to be changed once per year too!  I bought the Shower Wise filter from Water Wise.  Sometimes they have the filter on sale for $69!  HERE is the link to their website.

Please pray for my Left lung nodule.  Pray that is is NOTHING and that my Chest CT results come back with nothing found.

Have a GREAT weekend!