Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Trip to San Fran + Question & Answer time!


Today is National Cancer Survivor's Day!  In my journey, I've learned that it is very important to celebrate the little things... even if its a National day!

I have an appointment with my Surgeon today.  Im happy that he's back to work.  I can't wait to see him and see for myself how he's doing.  As I type, my husband is driving us to San Francisco!  Im looking forward to seeing the city and the water!  Hopefully we will get to have lunch there too!  It's been a while since we've had to make this trip.  Today's appointment is a scheduled check-up on how my leg is doing.

Here is a picture of my outfit today.  It's no secret that Im obsessed with Stella & Dot.  Today, Im wearing the gorgeous Green Stone Sutton Necklace with the Palm Springs Nave Stripe Elephant scarf!  S&D makes me happy!

As soon as Im done with this appointment, I will tell you all what happened once I get home!

Question & Answer

I get asked a few of the same questions all the time. So I wanted to take a couple minutes to answer them all on here in case anyone else has similar questions.

Q: Does your leg hurt?

A:  I won't sugar coat it... Radiation hurts really, really bad!  I told my husband last night that it hurts like I just had surgery.  Seriously.  Bad.

Q: Are you Cancer-free yet?

A: No, not yet.  Well, I guess I could be but, I haven't heard it from the doctors yet.  I have a couple steps that need to happen before

Q: What are the next steps?  

A: My next step is to get a PET CT (cancer) Scan of my right leg to see if the Radiation worked

Q: When is that PET CT Scan scheduled for?

A: As of right now, I don't have this scan scheduled.  Right now, my Doctors are waiting for the Radiation side-effects to subside.  When I still have a burn, this means that the Radiation is still working.  If I was to get a scan now, it very well could come back positive for Cancer because the Radiation is still working.  However, if we wait, once the side effects are done, then the scan will give a muck more truer read.  I will then know if the Radiation worked, or if we will need to proceed to Plan B.

Q: How are you walking?  Can you walk?

A:  Im walking really well!!  Actually right now I have a limp.  The massive Radiation burn is on the inner side of my right leg, then it wraps around the backside of my knee joint.  Because if this, it really  hurts to bend my leg.  Sitting at a chair is the absolute worst.  However if Im sitting with my leg straight, then it is much easier!  However, after surgery and prior to this burn, I have been waling surprisingly well!  I love it when people haven't seen me in a while and they are so surprised by how well Im doing!

Q: What about that spot that was on your lung... What was it?

A: In short.. I don't know and we hope too find out more from my surgeon today.  Since he was ill I haven't been able to talk to him directly about it.  I do know that the Cancer in my leg had not entered my blood stream, which means that the Sarcoma had not spread to my lungs.  I do know that the spot is still there though.  I could very well be a spot from when I had Bronchitis twice last year.  I don't know if they will continue to monitor it or not.

Q: After having Radiation, can you still have babies?

A: I sure hope so!!  Technically, I don't know.  My Radiation Oncologist told me that the Radiation that is delivered now-a-days is so concentrated only to the one area that they want to treat that it is highly unlikely that even scatter Radiation hit my ovaries.  She told me that if I were to get pregnant the day after my last Radiation treatment day, that the baby would be fine!

Please pray that they spot in my lungs is nothing and that the Radiation worked it's magic.  Pray that we have a safe trip to and from San Francisco.

Thanks for reading!

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