Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Good Morning!  I hope you are having a good day! Nate grandparents are in town visiting us and we've had a blast celebrating Grandpa's birthday!

I wanted to take a minute to update you since my last series of posts.  This is an update from September and the follow-ups from my regularly scheduled MRI.

Too many cases, not enough time!

After completely bugging O'Donnel's staff with my phone calls, they called me back!  Unfortunately, at the Sarcoma Board on Sept 12th, they were set to discuss three cases and were only able to review one.... My case was not the one they reviewed.

Can you imagine having a case so complex (Im assuming), that it takes some of the best doctors, radiologists, surgeons, over three hours to discuss!?  I sure hope that patient is receiving the care they need.  Nurse Carrol told me that they would discuss my case in two weeks at the next Sarcoma board meeting on September 26th.

Results from the Sarcoma Board on September 26th

Dr. O'Donnell was able to present my scans at the Sarcoma Board on September 26th!!  He called me to tell me that the Radiologists were able to review my scans and told me that I have a Seroma that is getting bigger and that the area around the Seroma appears to be inflamed, scar tissue, or infection.

He mentioned nothing about the additional spot on my lung.

He was concerned that I am having more and more pain in my leg.  He ordered another MRI on my right leg!  This is the scone MRI in three weeks!  He told me that I can get the MRI done outside of UCSF as long as I am able to request the high powered machine (T3). He also requested that the MRI technician focus in only on my right knee area - he doesn't need to see two legs in the images - he wants the machines entire strength to give the clearest images possible of whats causing the pain in my right knee.

Thank you for reading!

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